Mind Reader

If you could read minds for a day, would you?

Hell, yeah, I would. It’s only for one day, right? If it was a permanent feature, I’d have to give it more thought, since generally, I don’t even want to hear the words that come spewing out of most people’s yappers, let alone hear what silly little notions run through their brains. Some people can’t even put a proper sentence together when speaking aloud. I can only imagine the truncated gobbledegook that runs through their minds. That sounds positively awful.

However, if it’s only one day, I think I could tolerate it. I’d accept the challenge just for the experience. It would be interesting to actually know what people think just for the simple fact that I’ve often noticed that people’s brains seem to operate very differently from my own. I’ve noticed the strange and confused looks people often give me when I say certain rejoinders. They’re usually viewed as non sequiturs, but they aren’t to me though. They make perfect, logical sense and I can usually explain just how I arrived at them.

For instance, on Saturday morning, I was in the kitchen making coffee as usual when I noticed a jar of chicken bouillon on the counter. This jar was labeled with a chicken or maybe a rooster; I don’t know which since it’s not a very detailed drawing of a chicken-rooster. Scrolled across the top was the brand name Knorr. Now, in my non-caffeinated state – I was in the process of making coffee, which means I hadn’t had any yet – my brain interpreted that name as Knox. I have a friend whose last name is Knox, so I thought of her. She has a daughter named Josie. Once thinking about Josie, that led not to the more likely Clint Eastwood movie, The Outlaw Josey Wales, but to Josie Cotton, the singer. Before I was even done pouring the water in the coffee-maker, I was singing “Johnny Are You Queer” aloud and badly all from misreading a damn bouillon label.

These are the inner workings of my brain. My own brain barely makes sense to me and it’s mine. I know it better than anyone and most times, I can hardly understand how it works. So, when it comes to listening in on others, I think I’d rather not. I can only imagine how horrendous it would be if I were inundated with other people’s thought processes like the one I described above. However, if it was just for twenty-four hours, I would read minds just to see how the rest of the brains out there work.