Quiet Sundays

Ah, Sunday. I feel like I can say whatever I want on Sunday, because no one reads this blog on Sundays. Well, it’s not that I don’t say whatever I want anyway.

From time immemorial, or at least since 2009, Sunday is the least busy day on this blog. F’realz.

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See those lulls? Those are Sundays. What are y’all doing out there on Sunday? Seriously, I’m curious.

It’s not just here in blog-o-land either. I take my dog to the dog park on Sunday, and I’m lucky if there are one or two other dogs there. I’ve gone to the dog park on Sunday and had the place all to myself.

My neighborhood is quiet, too. Normally, there is the abysmal noise of music I wouldn’t choose to play myself that my neighbors are kind enough to share with the rest of us in a two-block radius, but not today. The rest of the week, there are the raucous feral children continually throwing their ball in my yard and demanding it back without saying please or thank you. I have to pry their tennis ball from my dog’s mouth and throw it back over the fence covered in slobber.

The normal constant hum of traffic on the freeway in the distance seems to be at a lower din. The only noisy neighbors are the birds. Those fuckers never shut up.

So, you’re not traveling. You’re not at the dog park. You’re not on the internet, at least, not this corner of it. What are you doing?

My Sunday habits are much the same as my Saturday habits. They usually involve getting breakfast with Male after fucking around on the internet for a few hours, going to the dog park, meeting up with friends or just generally relaxing. Sunday has the added chores of cleaning up dog poop in the yard, giving the dog a bath and doing laundry, but that’s about it.

This is what my dog is doing now:


Are the rest of you lolling about on the pavement chewing on a half-eaten ball?

I live in one of the largest cities on earth, but on Sundays, it sounds and feels like a small town when there’s just no one around. It makes me feel slightly anxious, like the calm before the storm.

What are you doing out there? What’s your Sunday routine?

Anyway, it’s time to go eat breakfast now that it’s 1:30 in the afternoon. See you tomorrow.