A Message To You, Rudy

Daily Post prompt: A service has been invented through which you can send messages to people in the future. To whom would you send something, and what would you write?

That doesn’t seem like a very practical service. I can send messages to the future now. Once I write this thing and hit publish, it will be there… in the future! OooOOOoooh!

I know. The practical implications of writing for the future are positively mind-boggling. As I write this now, I’m thinking about what I will be thinking when I read this in the future, most likely tomorrow morning as I sit in the backyard with my laptop and a cup of coffee. Mmmm coffee.

I’ll probably think this post is mostly crap, because it most likely is, but you see, I do not know that for sure yet since I’m still writing it! Mind=boggled.

OK, smartassery and Dandy Livingstone song aside (did you know that Dandy Livingstone and not the much more popular Specials originally sang “A Message To You, Rudy” in 1967?) (when I first heard it, I thought Rudy was a person–I didn’t know he was referring to Rude Boys) (this is far too many parenthetical asides for one sentence), a message to the future…

Mmmmm Trojan Ska.

As I sit here in the past, I can’t really affect anything in the future. I mean, I could, I suppose, decide to cut off my arm for no reason and that would certainly affect me in the future, but I mean in a broader sense. It’s not like I can send the future stock tips or anything like that since they already know. Although, I would probably find it hilarious to send a message to some random future person telling them “They’re inside the house! Get out now!” Future person would panic for a second until they realized the message was from the past and there’s no way I could know… or could I?

Aside from practical jokes (why are they called practical? There’s nothing practical about them) (I just looked it up: The term “practical” refers to the fact that the joke consists of someone doing something physical, instead of a verbal or written joke. OK then.) and ancient stock tips, all I could do is provide my perspective from the past. So, since I can’t make a mint on the stock market, the obvious answer is to sent a message to myself.

Dear Goldfish,

Stop your messing around
Better think of your future
Time you straighten right out
Creating problems in town

Goldy, a message to you
Goldy, a message to you

Stop your fooling around
Time you straighten right out
Better think of your future
Else you’ll wind up in jail

Goldy, a message to you
Goldy, a message to you

Stop your messing around
Better think of your future
Time you straighten right out
Creating problems in town

You are so awesome! Stay gold.

It's the coolest because I drew it.