Blog of the Year!!

Woot! I’d like to thank the Rarasaur for nominating me for this auspicious award! Or something!

Yay! Awards. Fun times. People probably think I don’t do these award things because I did say they seem like chain letters and I’m not known for doing things really, but that’s not entirely true. I do or do not respond to award posts depending on how lazy I am at the time. A while ago, I did the Booker Award thingy. So, there is definitive proof that I’m not entirely a beached whale of laziness (just most of the time).

Blog of the Year! Awesome. There are five other nominees. When will the winner be announced? Do I need to buy an evening gown?

This is some mighty fine graphic design right here. Sigh.

Blog of the Year (2012) Award Rules

  1. Display the award logo on your blog.
  2. Link back to Rarasaur. (See above)
  3. State 5 things about yourself.
  4. Pass the award onto 6 other bloggers and link to one of their specific posts so that they get notified by ping-back
  5. Link back to the Blog of the Year 2012 Rules page

Five things about Goldfish

Hm. What are five things that y’all don’t know about me? I think I’ve shared pretty much everything, but I’ll try to come up with some juicy trivial tidbits…

  1. I’m the tallest person in my immediate family.
  2. I didn’t like chocolate for most of my life. Now, I can’t get enough of the stuff.
  3. I’m lactose intolerant. I miss cheese. A lot. Mmmm pizza.
  4. I have terrible vision and had to wear horrible ugly bug-eyed glasses to school before I got contacts in the fifth grade.
  5. I’m very flexible–I can still put my leg behind my head–but I’ve never been able to do the splits. Or a proper cartwheel.

Passing the Buck


I’d also like to nominate Rarasaur for this honor. She has the ability to get people involved in a way that I never could, like her International label Day event. ❤ your blog, ma’am.

Sofia Leo

For her courage in putting herself out there through her struggles and strife, and for continuing my story. High five.


because she writes about herself in the third person and doesn’t use any capital letters, and somehow, it doesn’t bother me at all. she’s witty and fearless, and has posts titles like could you kill someone by putting them in a front-loading washing machine and turning it on? what’s not to love?


Another blogger with tremendous courage. I hide behind a fish, while you put yourself right out there. May the coming year bring you closer to your kids and farther from the donkey. This is some great writing right here.


Oh, Drali, what haven’t we been through together? I’m always pleased to see you comment on something I wrote and whenever I see one of your funny little posts in my feed, I rush right over. You’re like a quirky gray ray of sunshine from across the pond. I hope you are feeling better.

As for the 6th blogger, I give the award to the rest of my blogroll over there on the right. You’ve earned your place on my blog. Cheers!

And while we’re on the subject of awards and blogrolls, I’m starting a new award:

This one goes out to the blogs that I used to enjoy reading, but now lay fallow. Are you still out there? Write something. Let us know you’re still alive at least. I worry about you.

Here are my nominations:

The Witty And The Mundane

Burning Prose

Frank C. Bishop

Book For Me

Come back soon.