25 Songs: Day 15 Sing Along



Day 15 – A song I love singing along to.

Well, crap. That could be any number of songs really. I even have a playlist called “sing along songs” that I listen to in my car where I can sing along without killing anyone like a siren, i.e. I really cannot sing. Anyway, how can I choose just one song?

I’m going to pick the first song I see in that playlist, which is…. AC/DC, of course. I guess I have it sorted alphabetically.

Yay! I love me some AC/DC even though they have some terrible associations from childhood for me. They were popular in the era when the pedophile was in my life and I couldn’t listen to them for a really long time. AC/DC was one of the first bands I reclaimed. I made it mine again, because fuck that pedophile. He can’t keep anything as badass as AC/DC from me.

I think I was at this show. \m/