Reading Recommendations

The featured image for this post is apropos of nothing. I just found it in my image library when I searched for "blog." (

Since I’ve been back, it’s been great catching up with y’all. It’s very nice that so many familiar faces are still around. You kept hacking away at the blogosphere while I was doing whatever it was that I was doing for the past couple of years. Pat yourself on the back!

But, with as many familiar faces as I’ve seen, there are just as many who are no longer around. It makes me fully appreciate what you went through when I wasn’t here. Deprived of the fish…Sadface. (I’m not really that vain.)

So, my faithful few, what are you reading? Are there blogs you think that I should be following now that I just don’t know about?

Also, are there any new community prompt sites like The Daily Post? I used to love The Daily Post and their DP Challenges. While I didn’t respond daily, it did inspire me to write sometimes. I need inspiration.

I used to be part of so many things like Stories That Must Not Die, Weekend Coffee Share, Blogging For Mental Health, etc. and it looks like those are all sort of dead. Are there new ones I should join? I’m kind of at a loss for how I used to find stuff. It’s been a while.

This is the fifth day in a row that I’ve posted something, which is an achievement that hasn’t been unlocked on FOG since c. 2016, but what I’ve written so far has been painstakingly yanked from my own brain. It would be nice to have some inspiration and to be part of a blogging community again.

So, if you have any introductions, suggestions, recommendations, or even if you want to pimp your own blog, drop me a link.

The featured image for this post is apropos of nothing. I just found it in my image library when I searched for “blog.”