Things I Hate

Way back when, I wrote a post of 10 things I hate. The post turned into a series and now the series is on its own page for easy perusal.


10 Things I Hate Part 1

The original bitchfest, featuring Facebook, crazy pet people and more!

10 Things I Hate Part 2

Guess what I hate in this edition? Horns, parking, spell check, television, etc.

10 Things I Hate Part 3

Driving, reality television, club cards, women’s bathrooms, suburbia, etc.

10 Things I Hate Part 4

Broken promises, automated messages, incorrect word usage, summer, etc.

10 Things I Hate Part 5

The government, movie theaters, hipsters, rhetorical questions, etc.

10 Things I Hate Part 6

Raw onions, pickles, voting, jury duty, ambulance-chasing lawsuits, etc.

10 Things I Hate Part 7: 200th Commemorative Post!

Airplanes, placating lies, hair, positive thinking, etc.

10 Things I Hate Part 7: Haiku Edition

Haiku versions of Things I Hate Part 7 for some reason.

10 Things I Hate Part 8

Pedophiles, asshole Americans, stupid baby names, advertising buzzwords, etc.

10 Things I Hate Part NEIN!

Homonyms, homophones, homographs, more Facebook hate, complainers, etc.

10 Things I Hate Part 10: Thing 100 Edition!

Commemorating 100 things I hate with truck nuts and Priuses.

10 Things I Hate Part 11

Poop, cooking blogs, theme parties, etc.

10 Things I Hate Part 12

Passive aggression, splitting checks, socks with sandals, super laziness, etc.

10 Things I Hate Part 13

Drunk people, regional accents, Tea Partiers, irresponsible pet owners, gum, etc.

10 Things I Hate Part 14

Sleep injuries, the lunatic fringe, scratch-off cards, meetings, etc.

10 Things I Hate Part 15

Getting old, allergies, excess packaging, mixed metaphors, Starbucks, etc.

10 Things I Hate Part 16

Insurance, remixes, hypocrites, horrible, fucked up things, etc.

10 Things I Hate Part 17

White whine, spam, keyboards, fire ants.

10 Things I Hate Part 18

Spam, mouthwash, cats, overpriced things, anti-gay bullshit.

10 Things I Hate Part 19

Liars, Daylight Saving Time, holidays, salespeople, showers.

10 Things I Hate Part 20: Thing 200 & Post 500 Edition!

Inspection tags, overpriced food, public transportation, appeal to emotion.

10 Things I Hate Part 21

Summer, obvious advice, preachy people, animal abusers.

10 Things I Hate Part 22: Memory Edition

10 things I hate about my crappy memory.

10 Things I Hate Part 23: People Edition

10 things people do that drive me crazy.

10 Things I Hate Part 24

Justin Bieber, rap interludes, Adobe, drunks.

10 Things I Hate Part 25

Earthquakes, seasonal candy, auto flush toilets, tube tops.

10 Things I Hate Part 26

The state of mental health care, menus, freeloaders, celebrities.

10 Things I Hate Part 27

Mediocrity, time, homophobia, begging the question, rude drunks.

10 Things I Hate Part 28

Negative political campaigns, car maintenance, morning breath, dribbling.

10 Things I Hate Part 29 Holiday Edition

Facebook (again), fruitcake, decorating, Christmas music.

10 Things I Hate Part 30

Girl Scout cookies, cubicles, keyboards, sales calls.

10 Things I Hate Part 31

Parking, lines, panhandlers, vacuuming.

10 Things I Hate: Angry Haiku

10 angry haiku.

10 Things I Hate: This Week Edition

The Pope’s visit, Donald Trump, depression.

10 Things I Hate Part 34

The lottery, white people, dreams.

10 Things I Hate Part 35

Mostly politics.

10 Things I Hate Part 36

Birthday greetings, loud and modded cars, mental blocks, airplanes.