Nano Poblano 2014

Last November, I decided to do National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) instead of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), because I have continually failed at NaNoWriMo. I wrote a post about NaBloPoMo where I said, “What’s with these abbreviations? Could they be any harder to type?”

Rarasaur and I had this exchange:

Screen shot 2014-09-09 at 1.57.05 PM

And Nano Poblano was born. Nano Poblano is a small group of bloggers participating in NaBloPoMo through YeahWrite and BlogHer who cheer each other on and encourage each other to post every day in November. There are no rules other than attempting to post every day in November and trying to read as many Poblano posts as you can. That’s it. No one is going to yell or cast you out if you don’t make it. Nano Poblano is about community (and shared suffering), not the strict adherence to rules.

Last year, because I finally won something with an impossible abbreviation in November, I got this super cool badge:


And this one, too:


Are you jealous? Well, you can have your own since, in Rarasaur’s absence, we’ve decided to try to keep the pepper torch lit. I know it’s not even mid-September, but I wanted to give you plenty of heads up that this might be happening in November, possibly with badges and/or cookies.

I created this handy chart to help you determine if you are Nano Poblano material.


If you don’t smell like socks and would like to participate and/or help, please leave a comment below or fill out Not A Punk Rocker’s Feedback Poll. At this point, we’re still determining interest. Thanks!
